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Current transformer block for retrofitting NH fuse switch disconnectors size 123
suitable for current transformer type WKD51
7 - 12 (15)Number:
Product Features
Applicable for: NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles: 3
number of current-transformer: 3
Primary current of current-transformer: 400 A
Secondary rated current transformer Isr: 5 A
Applicable for NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles 3
number of current-transformer 3
Primary current of current-transformer 400 A
Secondary rated current transformer Isr 5 A
Applicable for: NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles: 3
number of current-transformer: 3
Primary current of current-transformer: 600 A
Secondary rated current transformer Isr: 5 A
Applicable for NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles 3
number of current-transformer 3
Primary current of current-transformer 600 A
Secondary rated current transformer Isr 5 A
L8_BS-Kabelbaum für Wandlerblock_L8980008.png
DescriptionVerdrahtungssatz mit Klemmleiste für Wandlerblock WB-SL-123
Für Stromwandler WKD51 geeignet
Applicable for: NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles: 3
DescriptionVerdrahtungssatz mit Klemmleiste für Wandlerblock WB-SL-123
Für Stromwandler WKD51 geeignet
Applicable for NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles 3
Applicable for: NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles: 3
number of current-transformer: 3
Primary current of current-transformer: 250 A
Secondary rated current transformer Isr: 1 A
Applicable for NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles 3
number of current-transformer 3
Primary current of current-transformer 250 A
Secondary rated current transformer Isr 1 A
Applicable for: NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles: 3
number of current-transformer: 3
Primary current of current-transformer: 400 A
Secondary rated current transformer Isr: 1 A
Applicable for NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles 3
number of current-transformer 3
Primary current of current-transformer 400 A
Secondary rated current transformer Isr 1 A
Applicable for: NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles: 3
number of current-transformer: 3
Primary current of current-transformer: 600 A
Secondary rated current transformer Isr: 1 A
Applicable for NH strip-type fuse-switch-disconnectors
Poles 3
number of current-transformer 3
Primary current of current-transformer 600 A
Secondary rated current transformer Isr 1 A
7 - 12 (15)